Business Software Solutions/ DocuFire

DocuFire Server is a multi-user document management and communication system designed to automate all aspects of AccountMate customer and vendor communications. With DocuFire Server, all your Invoices, Customer Statements, Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Direct Marketing documents can be faxed or emailed by PDF (and/or printed) right from your desktop, saving you thousands of dollars in postage and mailing costs. All without re-keying any data.

DocuFire for Windows is a fully integrated Forms Automation solution for AccountMate SQL that links directly to the Customer and Vendor Masters for forms routing, and in real-time. With DocuFire, you never have to maintain two or three address books for sending business forms ever again!

Because DocuFire links directly to your AccountMate SQL database, you can get it working right away, no messy setup. DocuFire will save you time, money, and eliminate mistakes. Customer service and logistics will improve resulting in increased productivity and profitability, DocuFire is the smart choice.

Receivables Management and Customer Statements

That dreaded time of the month is over in just under a minute when you send all your Statements by fax or email with DocuFire. Save a bundle and reduce your DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)!

Invoices and Electronic billing

Turbo charge your customer billing process. Get your product on the shelf faster, improve responsiveness, eliminate common mistakes and lower your DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)!

Purchase Orders

No more manually faxing or emailing PO 's to your suppliers. DocuFire eliminates mistakes and makes it easy, all right from your desktop.

Quotations and Sales Orders

Want to close more deals? DocuFire makes you look good and smart by providing an integrated Quotes and SO management interface. With DocuFire, you can store and use recurring message templates helping you get the bid out faster and more concise and close the deal faster.

Broadcast Marketing

Send fax or email advertising / communications to your customers in seconds. Promotions, announcements and more.. Your gateway to promoting your business.

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